Category Archives: Uncategorized

cornbread waffles

Here’s a good idea- cornbread waffles topped with buffalo chicken bits, chopped up celery, creme fraiche and a drizzle of blue cheese vinaigrette.  Cook up your favorite cornbread muffin recipe in a waffle maker and top with delicious stuff. Yum.

deconstructed buffalo wings

deconstructed buffalo wings

On the list of things to do, try out some of the awesomeness from that Jaime Oliver cookbook in the background.

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dirty car? clean it up

The most recent addition to the family is a white VW Cabrio. Super cute. It’s a fun reason to brush up on driving a stick. She needs a few things, including a good scrub to the dingy white top. No worries there, I know the drill on this one.

A bit of background- the car of my 20’s was a white LeBaron GTC with a white top and sweet mag wheels. We spent a decade and 130k+ miles together. Drives along the coast, sipping hot cocoa looking at the stars and Christmas lights, flashing graveyards on spring break, and many a trip back and forth to home depot for garden projects. Suzy Bee and I had a good long run.

LeBaron mountain drive

LeBaron mountain drive

I missed my topless days. When a cute little Cabrio needed a home, the bf agreed, and it’s become the new spiff up project. Speaking of spiffing up, the top. It was a bit dingy. For a white top, I remembered a tip from a friend back in the LeBaron days. A bottle of Awesome cleaner (thank you dollar store), the bleach free kind and a pack of steel wool (mine is grade #0000) is all you need. And a hose. Oh, and a little elbow grease. Spray on a bit of Awesome and scrub in small circles with steel wool. Wash, rinse, repeat. It’s not perfect yet, but it gives it a bit more spiff.



before and after

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stabbing therapy

Needle felting is my stabbing therapy. Long crazy day? Nothing like it to de-stress.It’s simple. Take some wool, make a shape, stab it with a barbed needle. Try your best not to stab yourself. Although, it’s gonna happen once or twelve times. That’s ok, it only stings for a bit. Crafting is not for wussies. Or something like that.

I first heard of needle felting from my sister the crochet master. She knows all things fiber related, and took me to a Stitches West conference a few years back. So. much. awesome. I had no idea that there were so many different fibers and ways to use them. I was just along for the show, but ended up coming home with a needle felting kit to make a penguin from the talented Woolbuddy. I was hooked. Many of my designs are still very much inspired by Jackie’s creations.

Fast forward a few years, and my latest. A cute purple beastie for a besties baby girl’s birthday. To go along with my new favorite kid book find “I Loathe You“, a very sweet goofy story to go along with a goofy fuzzy new friend.

purple beastie

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